
knitting, woollen, wool

This page is all about arming you with the resources to move forward in your knitting journey . I will share resources here when I come across anything that will support and encourage you your journey including reviews of books, tools, yarns ….

Learning resources:  If you are just getting back into knitting or are just about to start on the journey you may not feel confident yet about joining a class . I have you covered! Check out my ‘ Knitting Basics….a wee reminder’page where I cover all the basics… from how to hold the yarn and needles, cast on, knit stitch, purl stitch, rib, increase, decrease, cast off.  This is basically a FREE class to get you started. You’ll find it here:

The  Tutorials page is a work in progress which will have new tutorials added as they become available so make sure to check back regularly. The Tutorials page is also supported by The Knitting Class Youtube Chanel  which  is regularly updated with pre-recorded and live videos,  so make sure to subscribe. 

A series of pre-recorded video  classes  will be rolled out in  2021These classes will be  step-by-step and self-paced, so that you can take them in your own time. You will also be able to go back at any time to review the lessons and you will get lifetime access to the material. The Knitting Class Student Center , an exclusive Face Book group for students of The Knitting Class.

Make sure to  sign up for our Newsletter to be the first to hear about upcoming courses and to avail of special offers.

Design resources: A collection of patterns designed by Pauline Gallagher is available on RavelryMany of these patterns have been designed with learning in mind including patterns designed specifically for workshops and events facilitated by Pauline. You will find them here  on Ravelry 

Further design inspiration can be found on Pauline’s Pinterest pages.  

Social resources: A BIG part of the joy of knitting is finding your tribe (or flock!!); sharing projects and tips; inspiring and supporting each other along the way. You will find members of The Knitting Class tribe all over social media. Don’t be shy, come and join us on Ravelry , Facebook and Instagragram